Friday 24 September 2010

10 Things I want to achieve by the end of this year.

1. I want to get achieve a greater understanding in Graphic Design. The history, development, typography, illustration. All of these aspects seem to make up most of the Graphic Design out there and I want to know why.

2. Develop my computer skills, as much as I don't really enjoy using Adobe software, it's something that I have to be confident in using for my design work.

3. Time management is a big issue for me, as I normally leave everything to the last minute or become to lazy to work. I need to improve my self motivation and realise I'm here for a reason.

4. As I am keen in illustrative work, I want to be able to incorporate this into my design work without worrying it is not relevant to the brief. By doing this I will be able to push myself further and broaden my idea of what drawing is.

5. Learning to use printmaking facilities is something that I am really interested in. As my ambition is to become a t-shirt designer, I want to know the basics of screen printing and digital print.

6. Using the most of my time at the college. By staying after timetabled hours, I will give myself more time to finish off briefs and any outstanding pieces of work.

7. Getting my work out there. I want to at least start off pushing myself and putting my work out in the industry, by either offering people free work or entering competitions.

8. Being able to confidently use this blog! I have no idea where I am meant to be posting things to, or linking them. By the end of the year I hope to have this website in good use.

9. Typography is a big factor to good design. I want to get to grips with how effective it can be and not how boring I might think it is.

10. By the end of the year I want to walk out of my first year, satisfied with what I have achieved and the grades I have worked for. This would push me even further into pursuing a career in Graphic Design. I hope all of these 10 things can be achieved and be noticed throughout my work.

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