Sunday, 30 December 2012

Studio Top Choice


Monorex Creative Agency

These would have to be my current number one studio I would like to work with. I have previously spoken about them before throughout my earlier PPD posts, and have contacted them last year about a visit. Unfortunately I did not manage to go down and see them as creatives. Saying that I need to get back in contact with them ASAP in order to rearrange a visit and also apply for a possible internship that they host regularly.

I feel that my own practice would be synergetic to them as a creative agency as the predominantly work with illustrative practices, large scale murals and retail based clients. This is something I aim to be doing at some point throughout my career. There is a clear sense of hand crafted, hard work throughout this company and involvement with a more street styled illustrative route. They also run 'Secret Wars' a worldwide battle where illustrators / artists compete against each other over 90 minutes to produce black & white murals ultimately taking the opponent down.

All together I feel that the overall ethics, approach and portfolio of this company is reflective to myself as a designer and synergetic with an approach I want to take as a practice throughout my career. Revolving around environmental graphics, large scale murals and illustrative practices.

Contacting -

1. E-mail - Obvious but the easiest / PDF work attachments with the mai.
2. Post - Hand written letter / Piece of illustration work.
3. Studio Visit - A one-to-one basis where I can speak to the creatives about their work.
4. Social Networking - Through different media such as, twitter, facebook & tumblr.
5. Illustration - Possible piece of work directly relating to them as a studio.
6. Publication - Promoting myself as a designer / illustrator sent directly to them.

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